What intuition might be
As a placement agent I've always had a high degree of success. This is not a boast. My customers will vouch for the fact that my nannies have stayed with them and been a great asset to their family. The same goes for my Elder care/Home support placements.
My only ability is listening and empathizing I think. I tend to place myself in both the employer's shoes as well as the nanny's. This then guides me to recognize whether the match is a natural fit or not.
Due diligence is of course a requirement with regards to investigating the genuineness of both the employer and the nanny but listening and intuition play a major role.
I was surprised to find that doctor's too rely on something similar as attested by the articlke in the National Library of Medicine wherein they mention "Intuition is part of what makes a great doctor" and " I celebrate trainees paying attention to their feelings as well as thoughts when making a diagnosis. They often have different takes on what intuition might be: Psychic attunement triggered by fatigue. Synchronicity. Random chance. Hyperacuity of the senses (Aren’t they training dogs to sniff out lung cancer from the breath?). Unconscious associations based on verbal and nonverbal cues. Even divine providence." Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5386850/