Destiny's Child talks about your child's destiny
Kelly Rowland has sold over 40 million records as a solo artist, and a further estimated 60 million records with Destiny's Child. I saw an article about her in where she talks about raising her children. "talks about how she formed the village her kids deserve just like she built the career she was destined for—brick by brick."
She goes on to say "“If we're gonna grow our kids, like, let's be lost in their interests and the things that bring them joy. Let's have joy with them about it,”
This is the best part for me "This is what it’s really like to break generational chains. It is late nights and red-eye flights, it is calming moments in the midst of tantrums. It is thoughtfully considering your parents’ parenting style—and maybe your grandparents’—and then the experts, and hoping that the ratios of love to discipline, of fun to education, are just right so your child will have the very best. It is the act of love." Kelly Rowland on Positive Parenting, Her Destiny’s Child Family, Anxiety, and Her Parents